WoY-R: About the direction of the scenario etc.

Laduiagoth said:
"So why did a girl like you, with no ounce of delicacy,
come to this hideous western island?"

See this article in Japanese here.

At the edge of post-truth, true words that don't get to the core.

In the previous game "Wanderer of Yelekedis", a disturbance called "Fall of Ritaliz Castle" appeared in fragments.
It's brushed aside as a story from the distant past, a part of history. And the previous game is told from the perspective of the Ritafilz region; which is history only seen from the southern elves.

In the Southern Elven history, the "Fall of Ritaliz Castle" is defined as follows:

  • King Laduiagoth of the West stormed Ritafilz Castle in an attempt to seize the sacred treasures that were kept there.
  • Ritafilz Castle collapsed under Laduiagoth's attack, the castle town was engulfed in flames, and many people were killed.
  • Laduiagoth ultimately retreated without stealing the sacred treasures.
  • King Gathelzence of the South and Queen Gugelazhesd were seriously injured. From that day on, Queen Gugelazhesd closed herself off and lost her emotion.

The latest game, "Witch of Yelekedis" (hereafter "WoY-R"), is set immediately after the "Fall of Ritafilz Castle", 13 years after the disturbance.
Shilegizand's words give us a glimpse into the chaos that exists in that era.

Shilegizand said:
No. I'm talking about the attitude of Laduiagoth, the King of the West.
He has been secluded on his island ever since. He has yet to offer any apologies, explanations or justifications.

Shilegizand said:
If he had been quick to apologize or explain, we wouldn't have had to suspect him.
Yet he does nothing, which leads to a proliferation of speculation and rumors.

In other words, at this point, the "view of history" that appeared in the previous game has not yet been completed. No one other than the two parties involved, King Laduiagoth of the West and King Gathelzence of the South, has grasped the truth.

The protagonist Ranjarma knows only that her parents were caught up in the "Fall of Ritafilz Castle" and then disappeared. Ranjarma also interprets this event as follows:

  • My parents were probably heartbroken when they saw the burnt down castle town of Ritafilz and the images of their friends who were caught up in the fire and died.
  • My parents, who became mentally ill, probably decided to "disappear" from this world together.

The story of WoY-R begins with this interpretation of Ranjarma.
She vows that she "never wants to see anyone else suffer the same pain as her parents did," and in order to do so, she thinks she needs "great power" to protect her country, and takes action. She thinks that she might be able to obtain it if she applies to become an apprentice to Laduiagoth, the greatest mage in the world.

By the way. None of the words up to this point are defined as "the truth" in the story. All that is clear from the words up to this point is that there is "an interpretation of history that is convenient for the Southern Elves" and "an interpretation that Ranjarma strongly believed in."

"That's true." — but that doesn't tell the whole story.

Frhoidhanath said:
I'm just a tailor, that's all I can say.

A man named Frhoidhanath appears early on as "one of the classic examples of Western Elves." This line from him already indicates the overall direction of the story.

This line by Frhoidhanath, while correct in content, has the characteristic that it does not represent his whole being.
As the story progresses, fragments gradually emerge that although "Frhoidhanath currently runs a tailor shop," "in the past Frhoidhanath was the Prime Minister of the West and an enemy of Gathelzence, King of the South."

The lines of the other Western elves continue in this same tone: they don't lie, but they don't tell you everything either.
The only way to discover the secrets hidden by the Western elves is to piece together the fragments they tell, or to hear the answers from members of other races who seem to know the answers.

Ranjarma is welcomed to the island where the Western elves originate. It is commonly known as "Demon Island Egrecerhad."
On this island, where only stereotypical western elves live, there is one unspoken rule: Always be honest.

Mesakyne said:
(In the Egrecerhad island,)
It is very important to honestly admit your mistakes and apologize.
Also, criticism or abuse must be conveyed to the other person directly.

However, while Western elves are honest, they do not necessarily reveal everything. This is because there are some things that they believe should not be revealed.

Within this "thing that should not be revealed" lie the answers Ranjarma seeks, and the only way she can find them is if she gains the trust of the Western Elves.

What should she say and do to achieve this?
— I'm currently thinking of creating scenarios in this direction.

Regarding tagging on itch.io

When registering my game on itch.io, I was worried about tagging it.
For now, I've added the tags "LGBTQIA" and "Queer" to the game, as seen in the image above. Personally, I'm wondering if I really need to add these tags.

The reason for tagging it with "LGBTQIA" and "Queer" is Laduiagoth. Since the game contains an entity called Laduiagoth who is neither male nor female, I decided to tag it provisionally.
Laduiagoth is a hermaphrodite, and in terms of his behavior and speech, Laduiagoth cannot be identified as either male or female. In other words, Laduiagoth is "Queer" because Laduiagoth is a strange entity.

Although it makes me uncomfortable to label things like this, I think it's the best way to avoid mismatches.

Well, I doubt whether it's necessary to attach such tags to a game that has no plans to include romantic elements.

Get Witch of Yelekedis

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